Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment <p><strong>Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment</strong>, the Journal provides a common forum where all aspects of humanities and social sciences are presented. <strong>Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment</strong>, publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes etc. <strong>Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment</strong>is published twice a year, namely in July and December.</p> Magister Pendidikan Ilmu Pendidikan Sosial en-US Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment HERITAGE OF THE LAMPUNG COASTAL COMMUNITY AT THE KEKHATUAN SEMAKA MUSEUM <p>The Semaka Kekhatuan Museum is a relic of the Semaka Palace which contains objects from the coastal Lampung community. In addition to storing a collection of historical objects, it turns out that the Semngka Kekhatuan Museum itself has an important role to maintain and care for the objects left behind so that their authenticity is maintained and not physically damaged. The purpose of this study is to find out the relics of the coastal Lampung community in the Kekahtauan Busha museum. Located in Sanggiunggak Village, Bandar Negeri Semuong District, Tanggamus Regency. The research used is qualitative research using historical methods. The historical method is divided into stages, namely, heuristics, criticism, interpretation, histiography. The data collection techniques are library techniques, documentation techniques, interview techniques and observation techniques, while the data analysis techniques used in this research are in stages, namely data reduction, data presentation, and data verification. The results of this study are that the objects of the Lampung coastal community have become Lampung's cultural heritage and become educational and cultural tourism for the people of Lampung and the general public.</p> Adi Sanjaya Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment 2024-12-23 2024-12-23 1 1, Desember 01 10 IMPLEMENTATION OF SOCIAL VALUES AND NORMS IN BUILDING STUDENT CHARACTER THROUGH SOCIOLOGY TEACHERS AT SMA N 1 SIDOMULYO LAMPUNG SELATAN <p>In this study to determine the implementation of social values ​​and norms in building character by sociology teachers at SMAN 1 Sidomulyo. The approach used is a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. This study used 8 informants consisting of 1 Sociology teacher, Deputy Head of Student Affairs, 1 sat and 5 students of Social Studies Department consisting of class X, XI and XII. From the results of this study indicate that the three components of the implementation of social values ​​and norms, building student character and learning sociology. The three components will be applied in various ways, such as the implementation of social values ​​and norms, namely from students' school data, when KBM takes place and time to rest. in the learning process in the classroom and learning tools.</p> Nyoman Negro Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment 2024-09-23 2024-09-23 1 1, Desember 11 19 INFLUENCE OF AWARENESS OF LETTERS OWNERSHIP COMPLETENESS MOTOR VEHICLE SIGNS ON RESIDENCE ASPECTS RESPOND TO CITIZENS IN THE RUMBIH DISTRICT <p>The influence of awareness of ownership of motorized vehicle certificates is important for the community as a form of citizen responsibility in terms of obeying state rules. Therefore, this study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of awareness of the completeness of ownership of motorized vehicle registration certificates in the Rumbih village. The research method used is a quantitative approach with descriptive methods, then data collection techniques in the field are carried out by means of observation and questionnaires. Responsibility to the community, which includes the rules and norms that apply in the community. Then, the responsibility for religion, which includes God, is related to religion and beliefs. With regard to a sense of responsibility, humans should base the assumptions of each individual by acknowledging the fact that humans in narrow and broad relationships need each other to realize the values of life that are felt to be good and support the existence of each individual. Based on the results and discussion, a regression model with an r-square of 7.8% was obtained, which fulfilled all the classical assumptions in linear regression. In addition, based on the hypothesis test that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the completeness of ownership of a motorized vehicle registration certificate significantly affects aspects of citizen responsibility. Based on the sign of the regression, it indicates that ownership of a motorized vehicle registration certificate has a positive effect on aspects of citizen responsibility.</p> Cici Indrawati Berchah Pitoewas Muhammad Mona Adha Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 1 1, Desember 20 25 THE INFLUENCE OF GLOBALIZATION ON THE EXISTENCE OF SEDAH BUMI IN THE SUNDA COMMUNITY OF PEKON MERBAU <p>The existence of Sedekah Bumi has decreased due to globalization. This has become a problem in Pekon Merbau in the social and cultural fields, such as the loss of the original culture of an area such as Sedekah Bumi. The current of globalization has had a major influence on Indonesian culture, including the Sedekah Bumi ceremony. The rapid pace of information and telecommunications can actually lead to a tendency that leads to the waning of the value of cultural preservation. Therefore, this research was conducted with the aim of knowing the influence of globalization on the existence of the Sedekah Bumi tradition in society. The research method used is a quantitative approach with descriptive methods, then data collection techniques in the field are carried out by means of observation and questionnaires. Based on the results of the study indicate that globalization affects the existence of the Sedekah Bumi in Pekon Merbau. This is shown from the results of the simple linear regression analysis test showing the t-count value of 3.136 and the sig value of 0.002. Thus it can be concluded that t hitung &gt; t table is 3.136 &gt; 0.67581 and the value of sig &lt; 0.05 is 0.002 &lt; 0.05 so that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Globalization is a factor that can affect the fading of the existence of the Sedekah Bumi in Pekon Merbau, so that if globalization is positive, the influence will be positive on the existence of the Sedekah Bumi which indicates that the Sedekah Bumi tradition will increasingly fade. On the other hand, if globalization is negative, the impact will be negative, which means the Sedekah Bumi tradition will be stronger and continue to be preserved.</p> Sri Rahayu Muhammad Mona Adha Devi Sutrisno Putri Eska Prawisudawati Ulpa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment 2024-12-24 2024-12-24 1 1, Desember 26 37 THE ROLE OF VILLAGE GOVERNMENT APPARATUS IN DEVELOPING YOUTH IN BRAJA ASRI VILLAGE AS AN EFFORT TO FORM CITIZENCY (CIVIC VIRTUE) <p class="TableParagraph" style="margin-right: 2.4pt; text-indent: 25.85pt;"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Tw Cen MT',sans-serif;">The village government as a stakeholder who is responsible for developing the potential that exists in the village, one of which is the potential of human resources. Youth is an important component in the village as a partner of the village government to work together to advance the welfare of the village. Based on the Republican Theory of Citizenship that individual freedom exists in a guarantee of state security that is under the legal order and the virtues of citizens (civic virtues) to be able to participate in it. The purpose of this study is to analyze and describe the role of the village government in carrying out youth development efforts in Braja Asri Village as an effort to establish civic virtue. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out by means of observation, documentation, and interviews. Based on the results of the study, it shows that the implementation of guidance from the Braja Asri Village government has not been effective because the village government is still focusing on the physical development of the village, the lack of motivation from the youth themselves, the personal busyness of each young man. This affects the process of forming civic virtue in the youth because there needs to be good cooperation between fellow components, namely the village government and the youth.</span></p> Yulianti Puspita Dewi Berchah Pitoewas Muhammad Mona Adha Eska Prawisudawati Ulpa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Social Environment 2024-09-24 2024-09-24 1 1, Desember 38 44