Author Guidelines

Jurnal Kata is a journal that published since 2013 by the Indonesian language and literature learning in collaboration with FKIP, Universitas Lampung. Jurnal Kata is intended to be the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Lampung journal for publishing articles reporting the results of critical studies, education, language, literature, and its learning.

The manuscript requirements for these journals are as follows:

  1. The writing must be original, in the form of articles on theoretical thoughts or (preferably) empirical research in certain fields in accordance with the specifications of the journal.
  2. The minimum length of writing is 8 pages and a maximum of 15 pages (including bibliography), typed in a space of 1.5 on A-4 paper, with a left margin 2,5 cm and for the right, top, and bottom.
  3. Articles are typed on a computer in MS Word, we recommend that you use times new roman font 12.
  4. The empirical research article contains the title, author's name, and affiliation, abstract (in English and Indonesian, 200-300 words), keywords, and content. The contents are written systematically and the percentage of the number of pages:
    1. introduction (without subtitles) in the form of a literature review summary describing the background, problems and objectives, framework of thought, and hypotheses (25%);
    2. research methods that contain, design/design, sample/data sources, measurement instruments, data collection techniques, and data analysis techniques [15%],
    3. results [25%],
    4. discussion [30 %],
    5. conclusions and suggestions [5%], and
    6. Bibliography.
  5. The theoretical-critical review article contains the author's title, name and affiliation, abstract (in English and Indonesian, 200-300 words), keywords, and content. The contents are written in a systematic manner and the percentage of the number of pages: (a) introduction (without subtitles) which contains statements of background, problems, objectives, and scope (15%); (b) discussion (divided into several subtitles) which contains literature review and critical analysis results [75%]; (c) conclusions and suggestions [10%]; and (d) a list of references.
  6. Include the place and date of completion and revision of the article at the end of the article.
  7. The author's brief bio and research identity are included as a footnote on the first page of the article.
  8. Sources of literature are made in the body note by including the last names of all authors (for authors of more than three, only one person is accompanied by "et al"), year of publication in opening and closing brackets. Citations follow APA (American Psychological Association) standards. All reference sources are written in full in the bibliography at the end of the manuscript based on alphabetical order as follows.
    • For books: (a) last / last name, (b) comma, (c) first name, (d) full stop, (e) publication year in opening and closing brackets, (f) full stop, (g) title and subtitle in italics, (h) period, (i) city of publication, (j) colon, (k) publisher name, and (l) full stop;
    • For articles in scientific journals / magazines: (a) last / last name, (b) comma, (c) first name, (d) full stop, (e) publication year in opening and closing brackets, (f) period, (g) open quotation, (h) article title, (i) period, (j) close quotation (k) journal name in italics (l) comma, (m) volume, (n) comma, (o) number (p) point. If the article is published in a book, include the word "In" before the name of the editor of the book; and
    • For articles in journals downloaded from the internet: (a) last/last name, (b) comma, (c) first name, (d) period, (e) year of publication in opening and closing brackets, ( f) period, (g) article title, (h) period, (i) journal name in italics (j) comma, (k) volume, (l) number in opening and closing brackets (m) comma, (n) page, (o) period, (p) the word "Retrieved from", (q) the address of the site.
  9. Submit articles no later than two months before the month of publishing through page for lecturers and for studets.
  10. Certainty of publishing or rejection of articles will be notified via page for lecturers and for students.